Prebuilt Coils

Save $5.04
Wotofo Braided Prebuilt Coil

Wotofo Prebuilt Coils

From $4.95 - $12.95

Prebuilt Vape Coils

It is recommended that you get the most authentic vape coils as settling for cheap alternatives may be cost-effective but it is certainly not reliable and may cause substantial damage to the mods as well as the lungs. In addition, poor-quality coils have a shorter life span and will need to be replaced sooner.

If you are a frequent vaper and use RDA or RTA, it is advised that you use pre-built coils as they are designed with ultimate precision by vaping enthusiasts. They use micro-level precision that provides an unparalleled vaping experience. Moreover, a pre-built vape coil will evenly burn the e-liquid and generate better flavors and consistent airflow.

New vape coils typically last for about one or two weeks, but you can increase their longevity if you break in new coils properly after purchasing them and take good care by maintaining them regularly after every use.