Vaping devices have come a long way, and now both advanced as well as novice vapers can enjoy a huge variety of vape mods. Whether you are an amateur vaper or a cloud chaser, there are options available that satisfy all of your expectations.
With time, vape devices have been categorized according to their functionality and two of the most popular categories of vape devices are mechanical mods and regulated mods. You may be asking yourself, which one is better? The answer depends entirely on your preference but before you make up your mind, let’s take a moment to review the the pros and cons of each device.
It’s important to make it clear from the start that regulated and unregulated mods have nothing to do with any government regulation or local ordinance. You definitely won’t be put behind bars for vaping with unregulated mech mods…
When referring to mech mods, the word unregulated refers to its functionality. Unregulated mods fire based on the voltage of your coils. The lower the voltage, the higher the output of wattage and the more amount of battery being used to heat the coil.
Regulated mods, on the other hand, can be manually adjusted to your desired wattage. That’s why it’s important to always have your wattage set within the coil’s recommended limits.
You can use our free ohms law calculator to know the correct the wattage.
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